#WPDEV – Stop shaving in November and fight cancer

A few weeks ago I got lazy and stopped shaving for several days. I was reminded of the No-Shave November initiative run by the American Cancer Society and thought that would be  a great way to raise some money for cancer research and excuse myself from shaving for a whole month.

I have family members who have both fought and won as well as succumbed to this horrible disease, so the American Cancer Society is one of my favorite charities.

What is No-Shave November? Read on…

From no-shave.org:

No-Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness. The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you usually spend on shaving and grooming for a month to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.

Then I did a little more thinking about what a close-knit group the Windows Phone developer community is. Have an issue with something you are working on? Post a tweet to the #wpdev hashtag and you will most likely have a response from somebody in minutes willing to help. So I decided to start a team for No-Shave November. The team name is WPDevSU2C which stands for WP Devs Stand Up To Cancer.

Ready to join the team already?

With the power of the #wpdev community, I’ve set a goal of our team raising $10,000. Sound like a lot? I don’t think so. If we can get 100 devs signed up to our team, and each of those devs can get 10 people – friends, family, co-workers, strangers on the internet – to donate $10 – we’re there. And really, you only need to recruit 9 people to make that $10 donation because your $10 sign-up fee counts as a donation as well.

Join team WPDevSU2C now!

In addition, I’ve built an app so we can all easily track our team and individual progress as view the No-Shave gallery of team members who post their No-Shave selfies to Twitter using the #WPDevSU2C hashtag.

Download the #WPDevSU2C app now!

So let’s show everybody the power of the WPDev community. Sign up for our team, pester your friends and neighbors and get ready for that final shave in about a month!

Share these links:
This blog post: http://bit.ly/wpdevnoshave
WPDevSU2C Team page: http://bit.ly/wpdevsu2c
#WPDevSU2C App: http://bit.ly/noshaveapp

About Andrew Long

Web developer, Windows Phone developer: http://bit.ly/andrewlongWP, IBM Bluemix Evangelist: http://bit.ly/bluemixtrial
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